
孙伯禄 副教授 (招生专业药学、生物工程、生物与医药)
2022-08-29 点击: 作者: 来源:304am永利集团

孙伯禄,304am永利集团制药工程专业教师,硕士研究生导师。20146月本科毕业于兰州大学药学院药学专业,获理学学士。20206月博士毕业于兰州大学药学院药物化员工物学专业,获理学博士学位,师从兰州大学胡芳弟教授。20208月任职于永利集团,现主要从事(1)难诊性疾病(抑郁症、心脑血管疾病、睡眠障碍等)早期筛查诊断技术开发及应用研究;(2)中药质量(活性成分)快速评价及中药材(农作物)病害早期预警监测技术开发;(3)中药提取物活性筛选及相关大健康产品研发。目前在Biosensors and BioelectronicsMatericals Science and Engineering CAnalytica Chimica Acta Bioelectrochemistry等期刊以第一作者发表SCI论文10余篇,主持甘肃省教育厅高等学校创新基金项目1项,永利集团老员工创新创业训练计划项目3项,参与科技部国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、甘肃省重点项目10余项。获得甘肃省科技进步二等奖2项,长期担任多个SCI期刊审稿人。


  1. Bolu Sun, Jinying Cai, Wuyan Li, Xiaodan Gou, Yuqiang Gou, Dai Li, Fangdi Hu*, A novel electrochemical immunosensor based on PG for early screening of depression markers-heat shock protein 70, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, (111): 34–40.

  2. Bolu Sun, Yuqiang Gou, Yuling Ma, Xiaoping Zheng, Ruibin Bai, Ahmed Attia Ahmed Abdelmoaty, Fangdi Hu*. Investigate electrochemical immunosensor of cortisol based on gold nanoparticles/magnetic functionalized reduced graphene oxide. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017 (88):55-62.

  3. Bolu Sun, Yanping Wang, Dai Li, Wuyan Li, Xiaodan Gou, Yuqiang Gou, Fangdi Hu,* Development of a sensitive electrochemical immunosensor using polyaniline functionalized graphene quantum dots for detecting a depression marker, Matericals Science and Engineering C, 2020, (111): 110797.

  4. Yanping Wang#, Bolu Sun#, Hong Wei, Yuanyuan Li, Fangdi Hu*, Xing Du*, Junhui Chen*. Investigating immunosensor for determination of depression marker-Apo-A4 based on patterning AuNPs and N-Gr nanomaterials onto ITO-PET flexible electrodes with amplifying signal. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, (1224) 340217.

  5. Bolu Sun, Dai Li, Xiaohui Hou, Wuyan Li, Yuqiang Gou, Fangdi Hu*, Wen Li*, Xiaofeng Shi*, A novel electrochemical immunosensor for the highly sensitive and selective detection of the depression marker human apolipoprotein A4, Bioelectrochemistry, 2020, (135): 107542. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioelechem.2020.107542.

  6. Bolu Sun#*, Chengyang Gao#, Lin Yang*, Hongxia Shi, Lei Kan, Quhuan Ma and Xiaofeng Shi*. A novel molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor based on PANI@GO for highly sensitive and selective analysis of trace epigoitrin. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 (169) 087506.

  7. Bolu Sun, Xiaodan Gou, Ruibin Bai, Ahmed Attia Ahmed Abdelmoaty, Yuling Ma, Xiaoping Zheng, Fangdi Hu*. Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of lobetyolin via magnetic functionalized reduced graphene oxide/Nafion nanohybrid film fabricated electrochemical sensor. Matericals Science and Engineering C, 74 (2017) 515–524.

  8. Bolu Sun, Yuqiang Gou, Zhiyuan Xue, Xiaoping Zheng, Yuling Ma, Fangdi Hu*, Wanghong Zhao*. Protections of bovine serum albumin protein from damage on functionalized graphene-based electrodes by flavonoids. Materials Science and Engineering C, 62(2016): 197–205.

  9. Bolu Sun#, Dai Li#, Jinying Cai, Wuyan Li, Xiaodan Gou, Yuqiang Gou, Fangdi Hu, An Electrochemical Sensor Based on Ultra-Micro Activated Carbon for the Determination of Puerarin, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166 (2) H33-H40.

  10. Bolu Sun#, Chaoqun Wang#, Jinying Cai, Dai Li, Wuyan Li, Xiaodan Gou,Yuqiang Gou, Fangdi Hu, Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Nanoporous Carbon Composite-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Selective Detection of Calycosin, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166 (6) H187-H193.

  11. Bolu Sun#, Xiaohui Hou#, Dai Li, Yuqiang Gou, Fangdi Hu*, Wen Li*, Xiaofeng Shi*, Electrochemical Sensing and High Selective Detection of Hesperidin with Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based on Ultrafine Activated Carbon, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166 (15) B1644-B1652.

  12. Jinying Cai#, Bolu Sun#, Wuyan Li, Xiaodan Gou, Yuqiang Gou, Dai Li, Fangdi Hu*, Novel nanomaterial of porous graphene functionalized black phosphorus as electrochemical sensor platform for bisphenol A detection, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 835, 1–9.

  13. Bolu Sun, Jinying Cai, Xiaodan Gou, Yuqiang Gou, Wen Li*, Fangdi Hu*. Fabrication of Electrochemical Sensor Modified with Porous Graphene for Determination of Trace Calycosin, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 47(2): 271–280.

  14. Bolu Sun, Yuqiang Gou, Xiaoping Zheng, Yuling Ma, Fangdi Hu*. Electrochemical sensor for assessment of antioxidant activities of ferulic acid and extract in Angelica Sinensis based on DNA/NA-PDDA-G. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 44(10):1575-1583.

  15. Jinying Cai#, Xiaodan Gou#, Bolu Sun, Wuyan Li, Dai Li, Jinglong Liu, Fangdi Hua, Yingdong Li, Porous graphene-black phosphorus nanocomposite modified electrode for detection of leptin, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, (137): 88–95.

  16. Jinying Cai, Bolu Sun, Xiaodan Gou, Yuqiang Gou, Wen Li*, Fangdi Hu*. A novel way for analysis of calycosin via polyaniline functionalized graphene quantum dots fabricated electrochemical sensor, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2018, (816): 123-131.

  17. Jing Ma, Dai Li, Bolu Sun, Xiaohui Hou, Xinru Zhang-Peng, Wen Li, Yan Zhang, Fangdi Hu, Xiaofeng Shi. Label‐free Electrochemical Immunosensor for Sensitive Detection of Rheumatoid Arthritis Biomarker Anti‐CCP‐ab. Electroanalysis, 2022, 34, 761 –771.

  18. Xia Gao, Yuling Ma, Pei Zhang, Xiaoping Zheng, Bolu Sun, Zhiyuan Xue, Fangdi Hu*. Chemical characteristics combined with bioactivity for comprehensive evaluation of Tumuxiang based on HPLC-DAD and multivariate statistical methods. World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2016, DOI10.15806/j.issn.2311-8571.2015.0035.

  19. Pei Zhang, Yu-Qiang Gou, Xia Gao, Rui-Bin Bai, Wen-Xia Chen, Bo-Lu Sun, Fang-Di Hu*, Wang-Hong Zhao. The pharmacokinetic study of rutin in rat plasma based on an electrochemically reduced grapheme oxide modified sensor. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2016, 6(2): 80-86.

  20. Pei Zhang, Lihai Hu, Rui-Bin Bai, Xiaoping Zheng, Yuling Ma, Xia Gao, Bo-Lu Sun, Fang-Di Hu. Structural characterization of a pectic polysaccharide from Codonopsis pilosula and its immunomodulatory activities in vivo and in vitro. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2017, (104): 1359–1369.

  21. Xiao-Ping Zheng, Fang-Di Hu, Li Yang, Yu-Ling Ma, Bo-Lu Sun, Chang-Hong Wang, Zheng-Tao Wang. The effects of different compatibility of Qing’e formula on scopolamine-induced learning and memory impairment in the mouse. World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2017, 3(3):12-17.

  22. 马玉玲, 薛志远, 高霞, 张培, 孙伯禄, 郑晓萍, 胡芳弟*.基于化学计量学的川木香抗炎活性朴硝关系研究.分析测试技术与仪器, 2016,22(1): 15-22.

  23. 马玉玲,郑晓萍, 孙伯禄,胡芳弟*.  复方党参口服液的制备及免疫增强作用的实验研, 时珍国医国药, 2017, 28(9): 2142-2145.

  24. 马玉玲, 郑晓萍, 孙伯禄,胡芳弟*.复方党参口服液的免疫增强功能研究. 中国药事, 2017(12):1488-1493.

  25. 马玉玲,郑晓萍, 孙伯禄,胡芳弟*. 复方党参口服液免疫增强作用的配伍相关性,中成药2018, 40(4): 920-924.

  26. 白瑞斌, 马玉玲, 郑晓萍, 孙伯禄,胡芳弟*. 基于纹党鲜药材的米炒饮片制备方法研究. 时珍国医国药, 2017(8):1881-1885.


    (1) 孙伯禄(1/2); 抑郁症标志物及中药电活性成分分析新技术研究, 2018年中国药学会药物分析专业委员会学术委员会, 优秀论文奖, 其他, 2018(孙伯禄; 胡芳弟 ) (科研奖励)

    (2) 孙伯禄(1/2); 抑郁症标志物分析新技术研究, 2017年第21届全国色谱学会, 优秀墙报奖, 其他, 2017(孙伯禄; 胡芳弟 ) (科研奖励)

    (3) 孙伯禄(1/2); 中药及生物复杂样品分析新技术研究, 2017年第七届全国药物分析大会暨第三届药物分析国际论坛学术委员会, 优秀墙报奖, 其他, 2017(孙伯禄; 胡芳弟 ) (科研奖励)

    (4) 孙伯禄(10/10); 天然党参多糖及其硒化物的制备、 活性研究及应用, 甘肃省人民政府, 科技进步,省部二等奖, 2017(胡芳弟; 陈嘉屿; 苟于强; 吴红梅; 胡林海; 贾孝荣; 杨春霞; 陈文霞; 张培; 孙伯禄)(科研奖励) 证书号:2016—J2—051—R10.

    (5) 孙伯禄(10/10); 甘肃大宗道地药材产地加工炮制关键技术研究及应用, 甘肃省人民政府, 科技进步,省部二等奖, 2021(胡芳弟; 柴国林; 李文; 李晓东; 崔方; 孙科; 李芸; 白瑞斌; 王燕萍; 孙伯禄)(科研奖励) 获奖编号:2021—J2—020—R10.